We had an unexpectedly nice day today so I got outside to do a little pottering around and general tidying.
The compost bin had developed a serious lean so after I lifted all of the tomato plants (which I'm hoping will ripen in my kitchen) we tipped out the compost, repositioned the bin and refilled it. I took the opportunity to get long suffering husband to tip all of the dead container plants and used soil into the bin so that I could wash all of the pots out. Of course, when I came back into the house I walked past an old potato bag full of soil that I'd forgotten; we'll maybe get it next time!
I pulled up a leek and harvested one of my butternut squash while I was out there, a couple of onions and a garlic bulb from the shed and a carrot and potato from the supermarket made a big pot of squash soup which is delicious. I do think that the squash have been really satisfying to grow; they are interesting as plants, have beautiful flowers and turn into a resilient veg that makes me smile. I'll definitely grow them next year.
I have two artichokes which could probably be eaten but I've decided to let them flower instead.