Friday, February 3, 2012

Digging digging digging
I spent about three hours today digging holly tree roots out of the left veg bed.  I've got most of them and the earth is starting to look good.  I have less than a square meter to clear around the stump, I'll probably just cut the big roots as close to the stump as possible now and call it done.  I'll put one of my big plant pots or a grow bag on top of the stump to use the space.

I'm still worried about the amount of grey sand in the earth but there is much less of it close to the tree.  I was going to skim it off the top and throw it away but it is deep in places.  My new plan is to remove as much as possible and mix a lot of fertiliser into the earth and then do a cardboard mulch with compost on top which I'll make into a raised bed.

It's expected to snow all day tomorrow which is a real shame because I would have liked to finish the stump and digging on the left bed this weekend.  I'm also regretting putting down the cardboard mulch on the right bed without digging first so when I finish the left bed I'll move the compost & mulch from the right to the left and start digging the right bed.

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