It has been a glorious day today so we spent most of it out in the garden. Fabulous husband took three car loads of old slabs to the dump which let me tidy up the back patio and get rid of some monster weeds. I also earthed up the potatoes with some help from the toddler who loved tipping his little bucket of earth onto the plants. I also sowed a few more lettuce, camomile and celeriac seeds to fill in some gaps.
I decided to tackle the potato plant in the compost bin. This is what it looked like when I opened the door, everything seems to be composting well at the bottom except for the very healthy looking potato plant.
I had a little dig around and managed to get (I think) all of of the plant out. As a reward for this I also found seven little potatoes which I'm going to eat tomorrow.
I also planted all of my indoor grown squash, cauliflower, asparagus and leeks (mostly because I want my windowsills back). We fashioned some rabbit defence from canes and garden mesh to stop Daisy eating it all. The cola cans are to stop me poking my eye out on the canes when I'm weeding.

Years ago, when we bought the house, there was a horrible bush in the patio near the house, I pulled it up and soon afterwards we put down turf in the main garden and got some builders in to make a retaining wall so that the back is now fairly flat. The space that used to have the bush was used by the builders to dump a lot of sand which they never took away. We have had a bench sitting on top of this and I have been ignoring it for years. Today I decided that I would put some herbs in that patch so the toddler and I put all of the sand in a big bucket, I was so pleased to discover that under all the sand were a few metres of edging slabs because we were planning to buy some! The builders must have stuck them down before dumping the sand. I've moved the edging slabs to the back to surround one of the new beds and I dug the last of my bought compost into the new bed and planted rosemary and sage seeds and some artichoke seeds which I will let flower if they can grow in this poor soil / poor light combination.
In case any of them do work, the rosemary and Imperial star are on the left, the sage and purple globe are on the right.
So now I'm tired, a little sunburned and pretty satisfied with my day :)