Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yesterday and today I have been taking my tomato and sweetcorn plants outside to harden off and get a bit of sunshine (it is very mild for the time of year).  I know it's early but they are getting a bit leggy and I've ended up with so many tomato plants that I can afford to kill at least half of them and still have too many.

Unfortunately, I left them outside while I went for a walk and while I was out the heavens opened.  My newspaper plant pots are now bio-degrading a bit faster than I would like.  I'll maybe buy a broadsheet paper tomorrow and make some big pots out of that and pot the plants on to new, bigger, drier homes.

I also planted half of my potatoes in the garden (the Swift and King Edward) and some onion sets.  Yesterday I sowed more leek, swede and 'cut and come again' salad indoors and some Broccoli in a pot outdoors.  I've got 400 Broccoli seeds so I figure I can mess up about 375 of them and still have too many.

As an experiment I've planted 3 of my tomato plants in the sunniest part of the garden under jam jar cloches.  I'll take a photo tomorrow if they are still alive!

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