Saturday, May 19, 2012

Compost worries

I didn't spend much time in the garden today, just an hour pottering around the edges after coming home from the park.

I got myself all worried about the compost bin.  It is hoaching with slugs and ants and I can't really turn it any more because of the massive potato plant growing at the bottom (the tubers are everywhere and are holding it all together).  Luckily google knows everything:

Slugs are a good thing - they eat all the stuff I put in there (obviously) and tend not to venture out of their warm, predator free home looking for food when it is all provided for them.

For the unexpected potatoes, apparently I can  pull them up and eat them if they look ok, or try to get them out and plant them in a pot. Or leave them if I feel lazy.  I'll have a go at getting them out tomorrow.

Despite chucking buckets of water into the compost bin and (trying to) turn it more frequently the ants are undeterred.  More googling suggests that they will probably eat seeds and aerate the compost (reducing the need for turning?) which are good things.

I might look in the pound shops tomorrow for some slug barriers to encircle the compost bin just in case.

Other than worrying about the compost bin (and itching incessantly ever since I saw all those ants) I did a little weeding and thinned the swede plants.  I've also put the squash and asparagus out to harden off.

Some photos to prove I did go outside today.

Lettuce I planted on the 24th March
The Hibiscus I bought last week
The rabbit who eats everything
The strawberries I bought last week
The first sunflower.  Planted on the 6th Feb
Lettuce planted on 3rd May

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